Bring up the command window by hitting [7] on the
numpad, then type:
IM A CHEATER - Cheat Codes Enabled
ONE MILLION DOLLARS - Add 5000 Credits
DILITHIUM Full - Energy
THERE IS NO SPOON - Return to Starbase to Win
BOOM STICK - All Items Available
RAGTAG - All Ships Available
KESSEL RUN - Enhance Ship
SAY AHH - Open a Closed Gate (Target
Žaidimo metu vienu metu paspauskite [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C ir konsolėje įveskite sekančius kodus:
Add leads - dumpster dive
Fame set to 0 - walk of shame
Fame set to 100 - walk of fame
$100,000 - they're here
$1,000,000 - they're back
$10,000,000 - they're gone
20 lawsuits - instant litigation
Žaidimo metu paspauskit [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C ir konsolėje įveskite sekančius kodus:
List most cheat codes - help
Display information about indicated cheat - help [cheat command]
Close console window - exit
Expand or contract console window - expand
1,000 more Simoleons - Kaching
50,000 more Simoleons - motherlode
All indicators green - maxmotives
First, you will need to hit the tilde (~) key and type in
"DebugMode 1" (case sensitive). Then hit the ~ key again and press TAB.
This should show you a list of the different functions available.
Hit TAB again to scroll down the list.
Cheats: (case sensitive)(X is a number)
SetCHA X - Sets your Charisma
SetSTR X - Sets your Strength
SetINT X - Sets your Intelligence
SetWIS X - Sets your Wisdom
SetCON X - Sets your Constitution
dm_givegold X - Gives the X amount of gold to you
GetLevel X - Raises you an additional X amount of levels
dm_god - Makes you invulneralble (does not require you to click on the player character)
dm_heal - Full health
GiveXP # - Give # amount of experience points... TOLIAU>>>
topdown - bird's eye view of the game
helpmeplease - extra time
moretimeruki - extra time
flybywire - for a wire view of the game
glubgar - +1 life in Volcano Run II
ineedmoretime - +15 seconds to your time in Kiko Match II
channyhungry - +30 seconds to your time in Spell Or Starve
scarabeus - +30 seconds to your time in Sutek's Tomb
kingaltador - 1 extra life in Crisis Courier
a5paragu5 - Bigger Mallet in Whack-a-Staff-Member
slorgerizer - Blasts a few slorgs at once in Attack of the Slorgs
empulse - Blasts the surrounding enemies in Escape To Kreludor
rainbownegg - Creates a 25 points rainbow negg in jelly blobs of doom
turdle - Creates a turdle on your opponents side
Scallywags - Creates a whirlpool in dubloon disaster
Nobubbles - Dark Faerie bubbl
... TOLIAU>>>
Nueikite į Karjeros režimą. Pasirinkite "Secret Code" ir įveskite sekančius kodus:
Unlock the map, more cars (2004 Pontiac GTO, Chevrolet Cobalt SS, Dodge
Viper SRT10, and another Nissan 240SX), all of the race days, and stage
4 performance parts - UNLOCKALLTHINGS