Paspauskite Ctrl - F12 ir greitai įveskite sekančius kodus:
PILE IT ON - visi resursai;
Q40 - viskas ištyrinėjama;
GREEBLIE - sekančio projekto pilnas ištyrinėjimas
WALL2WALL - maksimali populiacija;
LEO - parodo priešiškos teritorijos resursus;
BIGBRO - parodo pasirinktas teritorijas
CHARISMA - tampate draugais su visais kompiuteriniais žaidėjais;
S-MART - momentalus Skeenerio pasirodymas;
SQUISH - išlošti scenarijų.
Cheap Spells:
Adding a $ sign before the name of your spell in the
spell maker will cut the casting cost by 3/4.
Example - $Armagedon
Adding a ! before the spell will cause the spell to cost
nothing at the expense of being able to cast it once every
24hours. Example - !Armagedon
To use cheat mode, press any of the buttons below while playing.
Ctrl-F4 - Invincibility
Alt-F11 - Returns you to the last place you were standing
Ctrl-F1 - Shows all map locations
[ and ] - Takes you to key dungeon locations
- - Raises your reputation with everyone
+ - Raises all stats by 1
1 - Move at six times normal speed
Daedra Summoning Dates:
When you're rank in the Mages Guild is high enough,
you can summon Daedra's on specific dates.
5th and 21st of First Seed
1st and 13th of
... TOLIAU>>>
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding.
Use a text editor to edit the "armyops.ini" file in the "system" folder in the game directory.
Add the following line under the "[Engine.GameEngine]" heading to enable cheat mode:
bMPCheats=Enabled 2
Then, press ~ or [Tab] during game play to display the console window.
Enter one of the following codes:
Third person view - behindview 1
Unlimited ammunition - mpcheat paramsammo 1
No clipping mode - mpcheat ghost
Disable no clipping mode - walk
Weapon select - mpcheat changeclass
Start game alone1 - start
Spawn indicated item or NPC1 - summon
Freeze game play - playersonly
Enter these cheats during gameplay followed by ENTER:
deadlineisnear - Finish level
diediediemydarling - Game Over
glitteringprizes - All PowerUps
moremoreweapons - All Missiles
showmetheweapons - All Weapons
igonnaliveforever - Infinite Lives
invulnerability - God Mode
Please type first during the game "armleuchter" and
afterwards you have the following Cheat combinations:
[Strg][Shift][H] - to more weapons factor special is increased
[Strg][Shift][U] - More vehicles are available
[Strg][Shift][A] - Factor special increased
[Strg][Shift][W] - to the next mission
[Strg][Shift][X][Y] - more cash is available
STRG+SHIFT+S - firing strength and armoring for all
vehicles increased
STRG+SHIFT+F - all trees burn
STRG+SHIFT+G - gas attack
Kaip ir anksčiau kodus reikia rašyti žaidimo metu paspaudus ENTER.
ROCK ON - 1000 akmenų.
Lumberjack - 1000 medžių.
robin hood - 1000 aukso.
Cheese steak jimmy's - 1000 maisto.
marco - parodyti žemėlapį.
polo - išjungti šešėlius.
aegis - spartesnė statyba.
natural wonders - gamtos kontrolė.
resign - pralaimėjimas.
wimpywimpywimpy - šiaip geras cheat'as ;).
i love the monkey head - gaunate kažkokį VDML.
how do you turn this on - Cobra mašinėlė.
torpedo# - užmušti opponentą numeris #.
black death - užmušti visus priešus.
Pastorina gyvulius žemėlapyje - A recent study indicated that 100% of herdables are obese
10,000 aukso - Give me liberty or give me coin
10,000 maisto - Medium Rare Please
10,000 patirties taškų - Nova & Orion
Nėra rūko - X marks the spot
Laimėti misiją - this is too hard
Šūkis "Musketeer'ed!" kai Musketeer ką nors nušauna - Sooo Good
100x rinkimo/statymo reitingai - speed always wins
Sukuria 'Mediocre Bombard' - Ya gotta make do with what ya got
Sukuria didelį raudoną monstrą - truck tuck tuck tuck
Kodas: Daugiau resursų
Dit resources:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file;
Create a backup copy of the file before proceeding.
Use a text editor to edit the "proto.xml" file in the "data" directory in the game folder.